01904 553900 info@applefieldsschool.co.uk


The school is supported by a hard working and enthusiastic governing body with representatives from the parents/carers, school staff and the local community. The governors work with the headteacher and staff to lead and manage the school.

During the school year 2024/25 the Governing Body consists of 12 appointed governors

Name of Governor, Category of Governor and date that their term of office ends

Name Category Appointed End date
Adam Booker Headteacher 01/09/2015
Emily Quinn Co-opted 19/09/2023 18/09/2027
Rachel Frank Local Authority No affiliation 21/10/2021 20/10/2025
Caroline Mozley Co-opted 09/09/2019 08/09/2027
Liz Allen Parent Appointed 26/05/2022 25/05/2025
Pauline Copping Co-opted 17/01/2019 16/01/2027
Lee Innes Co-opted Vice 10/12/2020 09/12/2028
Lydia Waites Co-opted staff 12/07/2017  11/07/2025
Sarah Woolven Co-opted Vice 10/12/2020 09/12/2028
Rory Sanderson Co-opted staff 01/11/2020 19/10/2028
Adrian Fisher Co-opted Chair 22/10/2020 31/10/2028

Chair of Governors: Adrian Fisher
Deputy Chair of Governors: Sarah Woolven & Lee Innes
Clerk to the Governing Body: Charlotte Law

Any member of the Governing Body can be contacted via the school office.

The Clerk to the Governing Body can be contacted via the City of York Council Governance Service (Tel: 01904 554210)

Register of Business Interest 2024-2025

Governor Attendance 2023-2024

Applefields Attendance Register 2022-2023

Register of Business Interests 2022-2023

attendance reg for 2020-21 (1)

attendance reg for 2019-20