01904 553900 info@applefieldsschool.co.uk

Our Mission

‘Own Your Future’ is our challenge to students and staff.  By our teaching of academic and life skills, and our support and guidance for enduring well-being, our aim is to help everyone to meet this challenge to the very best of their ability.

We will actively seek partners to extend and enrich the quality of experiences and learning we can offer, and we will be creative, innovative and committed to ensure Applefields does all it can to achieve its aim.  Parents and carers will be our primary partners and together we will take the greatest care to ensure that everything is tailored as best it can be to the interests and genuine needs of each individual student.

Applefields will build exemplary standards of care and learning for SEN students and staff alike, built on the following principal pillars:

  • Commitment to staff training and teaching standards.
  • Strong support to staff and student well-being.
  • Use of teaching and administrative best practice.
  • Continuous measurement of student progress.
  • Partnership with expert providers, especially those who provide experiences and learning otherwise unavailable to us.
  • Appropriate inclusion of parents, students and staff in decision making
  • Active seeking, recognition, accreditation and celebration of success.
  • Excellence in Governance and Organisation.
  • Careful investment in accommodation, facilities and services.


Particularly, we will continue our partnership with Hob Moor Oaks – our principal feeder Primary – by jointly working to ensure that every individual transition (from Primary to Secondary) is done seamlessly, at the right time, and to the best place – we will aim to make age-related transition to full-time in Applefields only one option of many, according to the best interests of the individual.

We will be diligent in measuring the effectiveness of what we do and we will be immediately ready to change what is not working or not working well enough.

Paramount will be the safety, happiness and well-being of everyone in our care.