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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Statements and examples of how funding has been used historically

Pupil premium strategy statement 2023-24 – Applefields School

Pupil premium strategy statement 2022-23 – Applefields School


Y7 Catch up funding 2020

Covid Catch Up funding 2020

pupil premium 2019-2020

PPG allocation for 2017-18 was £27,545 and our 2018-19 FY allocation has been confirmed by the DfE as £39,365 – a significant increase from last year.

This funding has been allocated based on eligibility as at our January 2018 census:

39 FSM pupils
2 Service pupils
1 Adopted from Care pupil
42 total

As at September 18, following pupil moves to year 12 and new year 7’s we have the following PPG pupils:

32 FSM PPG funded pupils
9 FSM School Defined PPG pupils
1 Service pupil
1 Adopted from Care pupil
43 total

School Defined PPG do not trigger funding until the January 2019 census, however we have
apportioned the FSM allocation of £995 p/pupil 60:40 so that the 40% is available to spend on these pupils as soon as they became eligible. This only applies to FSM pupils as Service and Adopted from Care allocations are all spent on the pupil.

To ensure teachers spend PPG funds effectively they have been provided with their carry forward
figures, and also both Autumn and Spring term allocations. Allocations will be updated termly as and when we are notified from the LA of new eligibilities for FSM.

Use of additional pupil centred external funding including premium, bursary and Looked After
Child (LAC)

Each pupil is designated as a letter

We track the planned use and subsequent impact of pupil premium, LAC and bursary funds, We have ring-fenced the funding in each of these areas so that we as a school can demonstrate clearly how the funds are used. A separate document detailing impacts is available in school.

A – Trips, Cookery ingredients, climbing, hygiene products, and as required.
B – Trips & Bewerley Park residential , hygiene products, curriculum opportunities, tennis racket.
C – Trips, resources to support Pathways, size appropriate safety wear.
D – Money to access addition educational excursions
E – Wobble chair/fidget toy/other sensory equipment
F – After school cooking club
G – Full version of proloquo2go
H – Money to access additional educational visits/cookery club
I (LAC £1300) – Money towards writing/spelling apps, access to cycle track and 1 residential trip per year min.
J – was bought books
K & L – both went on a residential trip
M – Phonic based games, speech and language games, Apps on the iPad.
N – Comprehension/ instruction activities e.g. model making/ craft sheets and interesting resources
O – room dividers & construction toys
P– Access to Go-Get to help him learn to rise a bike
Q – sensory resources
R – sensory resources, fans and construction toys
S – Well-being worker
T – S&L input, outside coat
U – Mental health support
V – Parenting input
W – Hygiene and personal presentation.
X – Learning materials for table based work that have a ‘finished’ element
Cycling lessons
Swimming at Archbishop’s
Y – Large sensory ball
Z – New iPad, protective screen and case have recently been bought. Proloquo bought and being used
Cycling lessons
Slinkies bought

A1 – iPad
A2 – challenging construction activities, sensory activities for use in the S&L room & books
A3 – Numicon
A4 (LAC) – Ipad, Proloquo, and significant sensory resources.
A5 – sensory resources, dietary considerations (TBC – work with the family required)
A6 Visits to the hospital café. This would pay for; cost of transport, cost of staff 1:1, bought item at the café/shop. This would be a regular occurrence throughout the year. Additional funding would be spent on supporting A6 with any other areas of anxiety and supporting her experiences to manage these situations.
A7– Communication aid (iPad with Proloquo), swimming, external opportunities/ sensory experiences.
A8 – Sensory resources

Year 7 Catch Up Funding 2017