01904 553900 info@applefieldsschool.co.uk


Our Curriculum is evolving constantly.

A bespoke, individualised curriculum aligned with need, aspirations and linked closely to the outcomes identified in a child’s Education, Health and Care Plan are what our students receive.

Click below to read about our recent curriculum journey, our different curricula  and our Teaching and Learning policy co-authored by Applefields and Hob Moor Oaks School. See below too for information on how we will be assessing our curricula.


Intent, Implementation, Impact – Deep Dive

Provision on a page  – formal curriculum 

Applefields Formal Curriculum Handbook

Provision on a page – semi formal curriculum 

Applefields Semi Formal Curriculum Handbook

Provision on a page Informal curriculum 

Applefields Pre_Informal Curriculum Handbook

Teaching and Learning Policy 2020

Evidence For Learning


Below is an example of Applefields School’s Pre/ Informal, Semi-Formal, and Formal curriculum overview Long Term Planning documentation that incorporates our rolling programme of themes.
Each curriculum header links to useful planning documentation, theory and relevant and rich materials for all our learners in our 3 curriculums. Our detailed curriculums provide teachers with a menu of accessible and relevant topics to help our students develop what is relevant to them and their identified EHCP broad areas of need. EHCPs and personalisation remain at the heart of everything we do.
We strongly believe our curriculum fits with our ethos of Wellbeing and Regulation, Communication and Independence, Personalisation and Preparation.

Applefields’ curriculums have been developed through extensive research into SEND over a 4 year period and from visits, research and interactions with outstanding settings. We use the EQUALS Curriculum schemes of work alongside other appropriate material including the National Curriculum.

We assess the impact of our curriculums through Evidence for Learning (EFL) monitoring each pupils’ learning journey for each curriculum area. MAPP and a comprehensive toolbox of differentiated systems are used to assess progress within EFL.

Pre Informal Curriculum Overview

Pre/Informal Curriculum INTENT

Semi-Formal Curriculum Overview

Semi – Formal Curriculum INTENT

Formal Curriculum Overview

Formal Curriculum INTENT 

14+ Curriculum Overview

14 + Curriculum INTENT

How Do We Teach Reading at Applefields School

How Do We Assess for Learning

Please click here to view our exciting and educationally rich Moving on Zone Curriculum that helps prepare students for adult life and where appropriate, the world of work.

Curriculum Maps show an outline of learning, enrichment and possible accreditation for all our learners for their school journey.

Communication, Language, Literacy Curriculum Mapping and Assessment

Creativity Curriculum Mapping and Assessment

Our World Curriculum Mapping and Assessment

Physical Dev Curriculum Mapping and Assessment

PSHE RSHE Curriculum Mapping and Assessment

Mathematical Curriculum Mapping and Assessment


PSHCE/ RSHE Education
It is not always appropriate for our students to follow a curriculum for their age/ key stage. Education in PSHE/ RSHE is highly personalised to meet the stage of learning and needs each young person has throughout their schooling. Therefore, at Applefields we use a toolbox of planning and materials to support the education of our diverse population. Our learning builds upon each students’ primary experience. Like Hob Moor Oaks, we use JIGSAW. Additionally, we use the PSHE association, Autism Education Trust (AET) and EQUALS

RSE letter 2022-23


Jigsaw and SEND Mapping

PSHE education planning framework for pupils with SEND (key stages 1–4)

Secondary_RSHE Policy_2023