01904 553900 info@applefieldsschool.co.uk

Pupil Achievement and Assessment

Evidence For Learning 

 Here at Applefields School we use Evidence for Learning (EfL) to share photograph and video journeys for students. Parents/ Carers can also share photos and this helps support a partnership for communication. 

Evidence for Learning has transformed how hundreds of SEND schools, colleges and provisions are able to evidence, assess, review and plan for meeting the unique needs of their SEND learners, especially in light of the Rochford Review.

It supports an Inquiry-based approach to education and provision, that allows ALL stakeholders in a child, young person or adult’s learning and development to quickly and easily gather photo and video evidence, linked to Education Health & Care (EHC) Plan outcomes as well as any key skills frameworks. Observations can be annotated and tagged to reflect Applefields school’s basket of indicators.

Annual reports in EfL are shared with parents/ carers each summer term.

EfL Family App – Viewing and Adding Evidence

EfL Family App – Logging in Guide New User

Evidence for Learning FAQ


Mapping and Assessing Personal Progress (MAPP) was developed by The Dales School, North Yorkshire to facilitate the planning, assessment and recording of progress in relation to personal learning intentions. In particular it provides a way of recognising lateral progression.

The Continuum of Skill Development (CSD) is used to evaluate progress against each student’s EHCP outcomes and comprises a ten point rating scale for each of four aspects of skill-development, namely: independence, fluency, maintenance and generalisation. Each rating scale has descriptors which help secure consistency in judgements.

At Applefields we use the MAPP scale in conjunction with EfL for all students. MAPP assessments are generated through EfL and are shared with families each term.

MAPP Scale



Insights for Learning is the companion toolkit that runs alongside Evidence for Learning and provides valuable insights based on the rich treasure of information, data, interactions and evidence collected through Evidence for Learning. Evidence for Learning is completely customised to reflect Applefields school’s curriculum and assessment approach and broader provision models. Insights for Learning allows us to see the important information that helps leaders, teachers and other stakeholders have effective conversations about the learning and the quality of provision. Insights for Learning at Applefields is invaluable for keeping track of progress for all our learners, targeting intervention and for department and whole school moderation.

Below are examples of recent data point analysis: 

Data Analysis – October 22

Data Analysis – February 23

Data Analysis – May 23

Data Analysis – October 23

Data Analysis – February 24

Data Analysis – May 24

Assessment on our Curriculums

At Applefields we have developed our own ‘Assessment Toolbox- Applefields Assessment on a Page’. Our Assessment Toolbox covers each curriculum and all broad areas of need as identified in each student’s EHCP. The Assessments we use at Applefields are recommended and written by many key SEND figures and are based on sound educational research in this field. Many are used in other SEND schools and also link to our Evidence for Learning platform meaning families can see progress in these areas.

At Applefields teaching teams use the Assessment Toolbox for monitoring on EfL, planning and writing individual EHCP outcomes.

Informal Assessment

Semi-Formal Assessment

Formal Assessment